The structure of the Python course
This course is taught on the courses mailing list. You need to be subsribed to that list to partake in the discussions. However all assignments will be posted here at some stage. There is more than one course being run on that list so please make sure all messages contain the [courses][python] label in the subject header. The best way to do this is to use the 'reply to all' option from your mail client.
Programming is a practicle skill. I believe it can only be learnt by doing some programming. (Just as driving a car can't be learnt by reading a manual.) So this course will be taught by a serises of small Assignments.
Now before you panic, and worry about assesment or deadlines. There will be no marking of assignment, nor assesments. Assignments are a learning tool only. You will get feedback on you solutions via the mailing list. It always remains your choice to not so some or all of the assignments.
The next assignment will be posted to the list when most people have done the current assignment. I will take particular notice of whether Newchix have managed to do the assignment. If you do not intend to post a solution to one or more of the assignments, please let me know not to wait for you.
Other things to do on this list, are to post any questions, try to a answer other peoples questions. Check other people's posts for errors. Post any commnents or summaries of things that you have read or learnt. And generally partipate. The more involved you get the more you will learn!
This course will be run at a rate suitable for Newchix. THere will be people doing the course who have never programmed before.