Want to know what virtual terminal, or pseudo-terminal, you're in?
In the console:
$ tty
In an x terminal:
$ tty
Which kernel am I running?
$ uname -a
Linux windbag 2.4.21 #1 Sun Aug 3 20:15:59 PDT 2003 i686 GNU/Linux
Show the CRC checksum and byte count of a file, this is useful for seeing if a
file has been altered:
$ cksum file.txt
3308026366 7384 file.txt
Obviously you'll need an original checksum to compare!
md5sum is better if you need to verify a remote file, because it is hashed and
encrypted. To calculate the md5sum of a file:
$ md5sum filename
60ca4fa286cb45aafbfd01e0f052c5c3 filename
Then compare it with the published MD5 hash for the file. Let's you download
the typical 3 mondo .isos of a Linux distribution, to burn to 3 CDs. Copy the
three md5sums into a file, with the filenames, into a file, and call it
76ef22495d186580e47efd8d7a65fe6b yarrow-i386-disc1.iso
fd23fe32fafe7557f5d1fa1d31100580 yarrow-i386-disc2.iso
6a26b34069639d0c31465d4079a8e1b2 yarrow-i386-disc3.iso
Put this in the same directory as the .isos, then run
$ md5sum -cv checksums.txt
yarrow-i386-disc1.iso OK
yarrow-i386-disc2.iso OK
yarrow-i386-disc3.iso OK
Generating your own md5sum is ever so easy:
$ md5sum filename
44d305fdb74dd643c8d4f760024e9fee filename
Where does the information that is displayed on login console come from? This
needs a fixed font, like Courier, to look right:
$ cat /etc/issue
_ _ _ _
| | (_) |__ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___| |_
| | | | '_ \| '__/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ __|
| |___| | |_) | | | (_| | | | | __/ |_
|_____|_|_.__/|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|
Libranet GNU/Linux 2.8.1 \m \n \l
Where do you find out what \m \n \l mean?
issue (5)
getty (8)
What is my guid, uid, and what groups do I belong to?
$ id
uid=1000(carla) gid=1000(carla) groups=1000(carla),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25
Great boat for sale! 16' Smokercraft Osprey!
Trailer, live well, fish finder, stuff!
Carla Schroder
this message brought to you
by Libranet 2.8 and Kmail
In the console:
$ tty
In an x terminal:
$ tty
Which kernel am I running?
$ uname -a
Linux windbag 2.4.21 #1 Sun Aug 3 20:15:59 PDT 2003 i686 GNU/Linux
Show the CRC checksum and byte count of a file, this is useful for seeing if a
file has been altered:
$ cksum file.txt
3308026366 7384 file.txt
Obviously you'll need an original checksum to compare!
md5sum is better if you need to verify a remote file, because it is hashed and
encrypted. To calculate the md5sum of a file:
$ md5sum filename
60ca4fa286cb45aafbfd01e0f052c5c3 filename
Then compare it with the published MD5 hash for the file. Let's you download
the typical 3 mondo .isos of a Linux distribution, to burn to 3 CDs. Copy the
three md5sums into a file, with the filenames, into a file, and call it
76ef22495d186580e47efd8d7a65fe6b yarrow-i386-disc1.iso
fd23fe32fafe7557f5d1fa1d31100580 yarrow-i386-disc2.iso
6a26b34069639d0c31465d4079a8e1b2 yarrow-i386-disc3.iso
Put this in the same directory as the .isos, then run
$ md5sum -cv checksums.txt
yarrow-i386-disc1.iso OK
yarrow-i386-disc2.iso OK
yarrow-i386-disc3.iso OK
Generating your own md5sum is ever so easy:
$ md5sum filename
44d305fdb74dd643c8d4f760024e9fee filename
Where does the information that is displayed on login console come from? This
needs a fixed font, like Courier, to look right:
$ cat /etc/issue
_ _ _ _
| | (_) |__ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___| |_
| | | | '_ \| '__/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ __|
| |___| | |_) | | | (_| | | | | __/ |_
|_____|_|_.__/|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|
Libranet GNU/Linux 2.8.1 \m \n \l
Where do you find out what \m \n \l mean?
issue (5)
getty (8)
What is my guid, uid, and what groups do I belong to?
$ id
uid=1000(carla) gid=1000(carla) groups=1000(carla),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25
Great boat for sale! 16' Smokercraft Osprey!
Trailer, live well, fish finder, stuff!
Carla Schroder
this message brought to you
by Libranet 2.8 and Kmail